fucking poetry is a passionate and erotic showcase of words that drip from your lips

The Thing about Pain

It’s not the same

when done with care,

In tightly knotted

rope and hair


I bite to see the light

behind your eyes..


And why?

Because I know.


In pain, you can let go.


It’s why you never


to trust me with your fate:


why you always move

your throat

towards my hand,


It’s why you arch your back

and breathe

through every stinging slap


It’s why the ache

that stays with you

will bring your private smile


A gift it is: the only thing

you cannot give yourself,


For those with iron self-control

it’s the freedom to be else


Kneel here,

in front of me.


I’ll grant your wish,

I’ll set you free.

(c) 2013-2019 Fucking Poetry

Regret Tastes Like

Regret Tastes Like

The Hobbit, Narration and love of words